I am grateful to have participated in numerous art shows, festivals and events over the last several years. Not only did I get to hobnob with ridiculously talented artists from all over the U.S. but I learned much and met some amazing people who enthusiastically supported my art and challenged me to push myself creatively (I’m looking at you, chicken lady)!
I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had these experiences.
So to those who have reached out about my noticeably vacant upcoming show schedule, I wanted to explain. After years of creating hundreds of pieces in the same style of art, I realized my muse was nudging me in a different direction.
I’m not sure yet where I’ll land, but these days I’m just having fun experimenting with different techniques and sculpting for my own amusement (as opposed to creating things with the sole intention of selling them).
I still have some signature items that can be found locally at the Art Shoppe in Midtown Global Market. I also have some smaller pieces that I will continue to sell in my Etsy store, but I probably won’t be making many (if any) new pieces in my “Steampunk’ish” style.
With much appreciation,